
Christmas comes early

When Edward was just three weeks old my husband had emergency surgery for a diverticular abcess. The pain came really quickly and was undiagnosed for a week before suddenly a blood test revealed what was wrong with him and he was rushed into hospital. It was a strange time in our life. We felt like we should be celebrating the safe arrival of our new baby whilst in reality we were separated and I was visiting my husband in hospital twice a day.

That was back in April and after several weeks convalescing my husband was able to return to work. Unfortunately he needs a second operation to correct some surgery and we’ve just found out this will be in a couple of weeks. My husband is keen to get the operation over and done with so we can get on with our lives. We’ll be staying with my mum for at least six weeks so once again she can help look after Edward whilst I visit Robin.

We’re both scared as the operation is quite major but necessary. My husband was given a stoma to help his bowel recover and this now needs to be reversed. So this weekend we put up some Christmas decorations, finished our Christmas shopping, photographed Edward as Santa’s Little helper for our Chrismtas card and generally tried to enjoy our last few weeks together. Hopefully the operation will be a success and we can look forward to coming home and having a healthy 2011.



  • Reply
    December 1, 2011 at 9:42 pm

    Omg I completely missed the fact youve had the baby! Congratulations! Hope your all doing well!

    • Reply
      December 1, 2011 at 9:44 pm

      Thanks! She came on Monday, we were home on Tuesday and we’re all adjusting to the ‘new’ normal!

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