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  • motherhood parenting

    Competitive mums

    Like a scab that can’t be left alone I follow someone on twitter that I shouldn’t. We are complete opposites but we are both mothers. She does nothing but boast about…

  • baby parenting

    Coping with reflux

    Little Sis is now one month old and we all totally love her. Big Brother constantly holds his arms out towards her when he wants to give her a cuddle and…

  • baby parenting toddler

    Breakfast picnic anyone?

    Difficult to believe Little Sis is one week old today. Edward is a completely lovable handful, constantly wanting to hold his sister, rock her in her chair, put dirty nappies in…

  • nursery parenting toddler

    New habits

    Edward has picked up new habits from his time at nursery and it’s so strange knowing he’s learning things outside the home. He still chatters away as he’s always done but…