Family Life

Four craft ideas for someone in a nursing home

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Craft is a fantastic activity for people in nursing homes. It keeps minds active and encourages them to use the muscles in their hands and fingers. It can also encourage them to remember things from their past and can involve all of their senses, such as smell and touch. The feel of wool or the smell of glue may remind them of their youth and bring up memories they thought were long forgotten. All this helps to keep their minds and bodies healthier for longer.

Furthermore, it can give them a sense of accomplishment and encourage them to use their creativity, a skill they may have neglected as it became harder. Without good quality care and activities that encourage movement, memory, and thought, someone’s health can rapidly deteriorate. If you feel that the home your loved one is in is not meeting these needs, then this may constitute abuse. Click here if you need help reporting nursing home abuse.

Four craft ideas for someone in a nursing home

As valuable as craft activities are too elderly people, they can often be a difficult thing to facilitate. You need to be able to adapt it for a wide range of capabilities and may need to help people along the way. It also depends on the residents themselves; some may feel that they do not want to make something for the sake of it and need a purpose to the activity. With these things in mind, here are some ideas for craft in a nursing home.

Art for the walls in the home
Consider places around the home that could be improved with some artwork. You can get people to make something simple such as paper flowers or butterflies that, when you put all together, make a piece of art worthy of the wall. You can find some simple and effective wall art ideas here.

Craft for the local community
Once you have filled up your own walls, think of a community project that could benefit from some hands-on deck. You may be able to make wall art for your local community centre, pharmacy or church. Another idea could be to contact any local events of small festivals which may have a job that you can do. This will provide a great sense of purpose and achievement.

Craft for the needy
Depending on the abilities of the people in the home, you may be able to find a way to help out local charities. You could have everyone knitting squares which you then knit together to create blankets for hospitals or for homeless people. Hospitals also sometimes ask for knitted baby hats or clothes. If you can make anything sellable, you could also use this as a way to generate money for the home or for a charity.

Presents for loved ones
Another great idea could be presents which can be given to loved ones. They should be proud to give what they have made away. Something easy to make but practical, such as scented drawer liners or a photo frame. You can find more easy craft ideas that could be suitable as presents here.

image credit: photo by Denis Gažík on Unsplash

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