Crafts for adults

Ideas for 365 challenges

365 day stitching wheel

September feels like a good time to start a new project. The children are back to a new year at school, club start up again and it’s a time when I start to look at myself and what I want to achieve too. This year I am trying a 365 challenge, where I add to my rather large embroidery hoop each day.

Ideas for 365 challenges

A 365 day challenge has become really popular recently. After reading 365 Days of Stitches recently I decided to start my own 365 embroidery challenge.

Some of my friends have added a button to an embroidery hoop each day or crocheted a line in a colour which matches the colour of the sky, there are some wonderful ideas to keep you creative throughout the year.

For the last few years I’ve challenge myself to read every day, making a mini snow globe of tiny books from that year.

snow globe of mini books

Over the years I’ve tried a few different 365 challenges and I never really managed to complete many of them. The earliest one I remember starting was the 1 sec of video every day via an app. I lasted a few weeks before I got bored.

After that I tried taking 1 photo of my son a day. I managed this one as I picked his first year and he changed daily which made it easy – I wouldn’t be able to do this now he’s 13!

Some daily challenges are easier, such as walking 10,000 steps a day. Although I never manage to do this one my 11 year old does easily.

There are financial daily challenges, such as the 1p savings challenge. With this you increase the amount you save by 1p each day of the year. I actually did this manage this one but I didn’t find it very exciting to achieve. The money was useful though.

Why start a 365 day challenge?

Why do people start a 365 day challenge? I like holding myself to account which is why I blog once a week about the things I’ve enjoyed, and regularly try and make lists of the crafts I want to do. If I write it down, I’m more likely to stick to it.

Does it matter when you start a 365 challenge?  You could start on January 1st as this is often the time when you mark the start of a new year and have lots of enthusiasm for a new project or resolutions. However the start of a new year can feel highly pressured and may not be a great time to start something new. Whilst it may be fun to start a challenge with lots of other people, you could choose a special date to start, such as a birthday or anniversary. The most important part of the challenge is that you start and continue for 365 days!

Have you ever tried a 365 day challenge? Let me know in the comments below.


  • Reply
    September 17, 2023 at 10:51 am

    The ‘365 Days of Stitches’ sounds like a great book to inspire one to challenge oneself. I look forward to watching your progress as you approach this challenge (I am also encouraged to try my own challenge!).

  • Reply
    September 18, 2023 at 3:39 pm

    This is an awesome idea! Something to think about for next year! 😉 Thanks for sharing this! Awesome!

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