So I finished The Summer Sampler mini quilt. It’s always a little anti-climactic when I finish a good book or piece of sewing. I find myself investing in the characters, or…
Crafts for adults
Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a name for a blog post. So todays’ post is called ‘London inspired embroidery hoop’ – a little snappier than my commute…
Ever since I finished my little underground hoop I’ve been thinking about what I wanted to work on next. I’ve been waiting for the Summer Craftpod box to arrive but then…
Platinum Jubilee hoop embroidery from my Cotton Clara Hoop Club Box 21. The subscription box contained two hoops projects, an embroidery sampler featuring hearts, and the Platinum Jubilee hoop embroidery. I…
I love making handmade gifts. If you enjoy baking or crafting then it seems the natural step to make something using those skills. When we recently visited friends my daughter whipped…
I’m not quite sure how long I’ve had this cute Little London bunting set but it seemed the perfect make to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. Our street is taking part in…
Since our dog came along he has turned our lives upside down – in a good way. We all love him and enjoy making games for him, baking homemade treats, and…
I love a period drama and binge watched the latest season of Bridgerton. I’m glad I read the books first because the series was very different from the book. It was…
Platinum Jubilee mania has suddenly started and you can’t escape the fact Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating 70 years on the throne next month. We have had so much fun updating…