Last week our new kitchen was fitted. I’m not sure why it took me so long to realise that it would require time and effort (and money) to make our 1990s house bearable. We both loved our Edwardian terraced house. I loved our neighbours, our street and our proximity to central London. The area was showing signs of gentrification when we lived there but this month they got their first Pret which caused a bit of an outcry and meant Wood Green hit the headlines. It’s fair to say Wood Green has finally arrived – just not in time for us to want to stay.
Anyway, as a respectable mum of two small people we now live in dull suburbia. The children go to an Outstanding school and I am left making our carbuncle a home. The upstairs has been decorated and we are now working on the downstairs. We finished the downstairs bathroom over the summer because you should always do the smallest room first, right?! Now we’re slowly bringing the rest of the downstairs up to scratch with our lovely new loo.
Our lovely new kitchen
We have a cluttered house so it is lovely to have one modern new room to enjoy. We’ve still to lay the new floor, get the ceiling plastered and tile the walls, paint the walls and add some delicious Orla Kiely wallpaper. The funny thing is, when you have a new kitchen you realise that everything else needs updating. My clever husband made us two new window sills from offcuts of the kitchen work top. It’s great to have these beautiful oak windowsills but they highlight the old windows.
The benefits of using a local window company
The kitchen is a lovely sunny room and it would be great to get new windows from Albion windows to really let the light in. I appreciate double glazing after living in our draughty old terraced house, but I would love to update the style with something a little more modern. I think I’ll be persuading my husband to pop along to their Croydon Showroom soon.
My job for today is to find a new home for everything in our new kitchen. We have lots more storage which I’m hoping will make it easier to keep the kitchen today and uncluttered. Wish me luck!
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post. Images from Albion Windows website with permission.
Laura H
September 30, 2016 at 7:49 pmWe used a local company when we got our windows changed a few years ago. They don’t look quite as cute as the one pictured though!
October 2, 2016 at 8:30 pmWe always use local businesses for things like this. Your new kitchen sounds lovely – especially with the Orla Kiely wallpaper! xo