Monday Happy List

Five Happy Things {Week 503}

Starting the week by writing the Happy List is something I’ve been doing for the last few years. It’s my chance to sit down and reflect on the things that made me happy in the previous week, as well as to record some of the adventures we have as a family. This week I’ve missed a week so I’m going to catch up all our news from the last two weeks.

Five Happy Things {Week 503}

We had a busy week with the kids off school for half term. The school year is nearly over for them! We took a few days off and I went Go Karting with TeamSport in Watford for the first time (the rest of the family had been before). I didn’t love it but I’m always proud of myself for trying something new. We also went to PuttShack and finished off our day out with a trip to Tim Hortons.

Last week I finished reading The Glass Maker by Tracy Chevalier. I adore her books and this is another historical novel set in Murano and Venice. I will post a review of it this week.

We had a day out at the Royal West and Bath Show in Somerset. This was a bit of a strange day out but we like to try new things. We watched a sheep shearing competition and motorbike stunts and spent all our money on old fashioned fair ground rides.

I’ve been struggling to find a craft project to get into recently. I updated my little book of Liberty fabrics and found an old cross stitch initial kit from Cotton Clara so made that. Cross stitch is quite dull and repetitive, but sometimes just what I need. Another free embroidery kit came with the latest issue of Love Embroidery and I bought a Wild Olive pattern so hopefully I will feel like making one of these.

little book of Liberty fabrics

We all watched the D-Day 80 commemorations last week. I thought they were really moving and I wished we had done something to take part. We are visiting Normandy this summer and will try to visit the Bayeaux War Cemetery where some of the commemorations took place.


  • Reply
    Yeah Lifestyle
    June 13, 2024 at 9:15 am

    I would love to try out a Puttshack – I haven’t sone GoKarting before either, I am not sure if that would be my thing. Loving the book with the fabric samples.

  • Reply
    Samantha Donnelly
    June 13, 2024 at 10:24 am

    It sounds like a busy week, I have done go karting before and not very good at it, IOne of my daughters friends had a go karting party, and was let down by a couple of people. So myself and the mum did it as well. Her friends dad was laughing at me saying I was more like driving miss daisy haha

  • Reply
    Lavanda Michelle
    June 13, 2024 at 1:49 pm

    It’s such a lovely idea to reflect on joyful moments. I especially enjoyed reading about your family adventures—Go Karting sounds exciting, even if it wasn’t your favorite!

  • Reply
    June 13, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Love the fabric choices! Sounds like you had a very pleasant and fun week!

  • Reply
    June 13, 2024 at 4:51 pm

    I always love reading your happy posts. They’ve inspired me to focus on five happy things weekly, too.

  • Reply
    June 13, 2024 at 5:16 pm

    I mean, anything involving Tim Horton’s is always good, right? Yes. That’s right. LOL

  • Reply
    June 13, 2024 at 5:18 pm

    We had a D-Day commemoration here in the States, as well. I watched it. They really were the greatest generation.

  • Reply
    June 14, 2024 at 1:37 am

    How fun that you got time to go go karting. I feel like we are ready for that kind of trip too.

  • Reply
    Jupiter Hadley
    June 16, 2024 at 8:04 am

    A sheep herding competition does sound unique! Glad you had some fantastic memories made this week.

  • Reply
    Paula Richie
    June 18, 2024 at 10:25 pm

    Trying new things (go karting!), indulging in family fun (PuttShack!), and historical adventures (The Royal West and Bath Show) all sound fantastic.

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