eating weaning

Adventures in weaning

When Edward reached 10 months he’s suddenly became really adventurous with food. Although we still use the odd jar and pouch we’ve had some success with finger foods and food I’ve made. It’s fair to say he enjoys his food (like his mum and dad!).

Today for example he had baby muesli, a small marmite sandwich, grapes and apple pieces and a small piece of toast for breakfast. This was followed by a 240ml bottle of milk.

Mid-morning snack of a jam tart and chocolate cake (normally we have healthy snacks!)

Lunch was a jar of Organix pasta chicken followed by a fruit pot. This was followed by a 240ml bottle of milk

Mid-afternoon snack of jam tart and half a banana

Dinner was home made lamb casserole followed by home made apple puree with yoghurt. Just before bedtime he had a 240ml bottle of milk.


I love the way our day is shaped by meal and snack times – such a change from a few months ago when our day was ruled by naps! I love watching him interact with food, never afraid to put anything I give him in his mouth.

Mealtimes have their moments though. Sometimes I wonder when he will learn not to tip bowls and plates upside down. I also wonder when more food will end up in his mouth than on the floor! We have the stickiest floors when it’s meal time, especially since we introduced jam sandwiches.

He’s off to start nursery soon and I want to make sure he likes a variety of foods so he’s happy there. He shows a real interest in food, we always try to eat together and he often moves our hands out of the way so he can see what we’re eating. Meal times are a fun time together and I hope they continue to be.


  • Reply
    Metropolitan Mum
    March 9, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Hi Jenny,

    You might want to pop round by blog, there’s something waiting for you 🙂

  • Reply
    March 11, 2011 at 6:29 pm

    Aw, such a lovely post. It’s so nice to hear about mealtimes that aren’t stressful. I strongly recommend trying more finger-foods too. It’s as messy, but they really love it too! 🙂

    “Stopping by from Friday Favourites at Diary of a First Child

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