I’m the first to admit I have no fashion sense at all and dress for comfort rather than anything else. I like to look nice but dread having to go shopping…
Little Sis
A couple of week ago I was really delighted to be asked to take part in a real nappy challenge with some other bloggers. I’ve umm-ed and ahh-ed over real nappies,…
It’s been a while since I wrote about my thrifted finds but the arrival of Little Sis gave me a great reason to start looking for bargains. There were a few…
It’s been a while since I last joined in with Reasons the be cheerful (a weekly meme hosted by Michelle). Little Sis is now 6 weeks old and we all love…
My changing bag isn’t working for me. Not when I need another couple of bags to simply leave the house. Today we decided to go on a family shopping trip to…
2011 has had its ups and downs like any other year but we’re ending it on a high – with an unexpected couple of days with family on the Isle of…
Little Sis is now one month old and we all totally love her. Big Brother constantly holds his arms out towards her when he wants to give her a cuddle and…
I’ve been feeling sorry for Little Sis as virtually everything she has is second hand from her Big Brother. Last week (before she arrived!) I was sorting through bedding and blankets…
Difficult to believe Little Sis is one week old today. Edward is a completely lovable handful, constantly wanting to hold his sister, rock her in her chair, put dirty nappies in…