Monday Happy List

Five Happy Things {Week 500}

Keane all on the board at North Greenwich station

Starting the week by writing the Happy List is something I’ve been doing for a while over the last few years. It’s my chance to sit down and reflect on the things that made me happy in the previous week, as well as to record some of the adventures we have as a family. Today is the 500th post and it’s a bit special.

Five Happy Things {Week 500}

I feel as though I should start by saying we didn’t mange to see the Northern Lights over the weekend. Although they could be seen where we live, we weren’t at home to see them! We were across the other side of London watching Keane perform at the O2. This was part of their world tour celebrating 20 years since the release of their first album, Hopes and Fears. There was too much light pollution at North Greenwich to see the Northern Lights so we just enjoyed seeing everyone’s photos of them.

Keane world tour celebrating 20 years since the release of their first album, Hopes and Fears

We decided to stay overnight in Greenwich so we could climb Up At The O2 with the kids. They both enjoy climbing and we thought this would be a fun experience for us all to do together. Our experience took 90 minutes and we climbed up and over the O2 which we had been in the night before. The view from the top was worth the climb, we got a 360° view over Greenwich, The Olympic Park and Canary Wharf. The weather was perfect for our climb.

Up At The O2 with kids

As we were in Greenwich we decided to take a round trip on the IFS Cloud Cable Car too. We did this a few years ago with the kids but they were so young they had forgotten. It was expensive for such a quick trip, but worth it for the views.

Our final stop on our epic day out was to go and visit the Paws on the Wharf art trail at Canary Wharf, only one stop from North Greenwich. There are 25 larger-than-life guide dogs, each one decorated by a different artist dotted all over Canary Wharf. We picked up a paper map and found 7 of them. If we hadn’t already done so much we would have looked for more, but we were all flagging and decided to head for home.

Don’t forget today (the 12th May) is annual diary day! In 1937 Mass Observation called for people from all parts of the UK to record everything they did from when they woke up in the morning to when they went to sleep at night on 12th May. You can submit your diary day to the Mass Observation Archive. Find out more here.


  • Reply
    Lavanda Michelle
    May 13, 2024 at 9:42 am

    I loved hearing about your family adventure in Greenwich, especially the fun climbing experience at Up At The O2.

  • Reply
    Jupiter Hadley
    May 13, 2024 at 11:58 am

    To be honest, it seems like most people couldn’t see the Northern Lights with their eyes and only through cameras, so maybe a concert is much better! Sounds like a fun time.

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