
Our Christmas Eve rituals

I always forget how busy Christmas Eve is. A few last minute presents to wrap, meat to slow cook, and somehow small children to keep calm! This year my two are so very excited.

Our Christmas Elf has said goodbye and left a present for them both under the tree –  new pyjamas and a book. The pyjamas are already on and a carrot and mince pie have been left by the fireplace, just in case Santa is early.

ready for Father Christmas (1)

The only thing left for us to do is track Santa on his journey! A holiday staple for more than 50 years, NORAD Tracks Santa allows millions of people every year to watch Santa’s progress as he makes his annual trip around the globe. This year though the site is so much more – it now offers a breath-taking recreation of Santa’s Village, fun new games (a new one every day), holiday music and opportunities to get live updates on Santa’s location.

The new site  has been optimised for touch so I’ll be watching it on my new Surface 2 with IE11 (more of that next year). From the ability to explore Santa’s Village with a flip of your finger to amazing game play to one-touch Skype calls to the NORAD Tracks Santa Operations Center, the best way to experience NORAD Tracks Santa is with IE11 on a touch device.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas!

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