baby motherhood

When do NCT friends become friends?

I really struggle to make friends and I’m finding being on maternity leave harder than I expected. Much as I love Edward I think motherhood can be quite lonely. All people want to talk about are babies! Our babies are the only things in common amongst the new mums’ groups I’ve joined but I find it difficult to get beyond the baby talk. Part of the problem is I do little else but look after Edward. I’ve started baking, cooking and sewing more in the evenings but I’m not sure these are of any interest to anybody but myself. πŸ™

We took NCT antenatal classes like all our friends, where we were promised the opportunity to meet lifelong friends. Every week since our Antenatal classes the mums have met up. To be honest in the past 6 months I have gone 3 times. Why you may ask, when the whole point of these classes is to make friends? I think it’s something to do with the fact all they talk about is babies, each week it’s a new developmental step, lately it’s been going back to work. It all seems highly competitive too. Who can spend the most on baby clothes, which nursery to go to, who has lost their baby weight quickest. Blah blah blah. Who cares. I’d rather stay at home and bake πŸ˜‰


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    Geeky Mummy
    September 19, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    Just because our babies share a similar date of birth doesn’t mean we have anything in common. πŸ™‚

    Don’t give up. You may need to try a number of different groups before you find someone on your wavelength. Try your local children’s centre for baby and toddler sessions they may run (usually free) and the library for bounce and rhyme. All great opportunities for meeting new mums from a variety of backgrounds.

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    celebrity ante-natal class |
    November 25, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    […] we needed to attend ante-natal classes this time round. It’s only 20 months since we attended NCT classes which we didn’t find particularly useful, other than an opportunity to meet people local to […]

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    The Journey of a First Time Mum -
    July 30, 2024 at 9:38 am

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