pregnancy week 37

Week 37

Eek, week 37 already! This morning consisted of a midwife appointment, a scan and a consultation with the doctor. Fortunately my placenta was fine, it wasn’t low lying at all so no danger of placenta praevia. Phew. But I wish we had asked for a second opinion at the time or just rung my midwife. Apparently it’s quite rare for the placenta to move and we could probably have saved ourselves some worry.

However, the poor baby is still breech (and seems happy to stay that way!). According to the NCT, between 3–4% of babies are in the breech position at the end of pregnancy. We were given three options: trying for a ECV, vaginal breech birth or caesarean section.

An ECV is an external cephalic version which involves the obstetrician pushing your tummy to move the baby around. It only has a 50% chance of success, and if the baby becomes distressed I will need a caesarean section straight away, but I’m booked in for one on Friday morning. As the midwife said, you get pregnant for the baby not the birth experience and all I really want is a healthy baby. I’m not looking forward to the ECV and have to take my hospital bag, just in case.

In other good news my blood pressure is back to normal and my feet are no longer swollen! Thank goodness for no more work!

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