I’ve been bitten by the blogging bug. It started back in 2005 with this blog and my obsession has grown and grown. I love writing about my crafts but then I started a new blog about our parenting adventures, and then a blog about my family history research. I seriously think I could start a new blog every day about a different obsession of mine.
I think blogs are a great way to connect with people. It’s brought me so many opportunities and broadened my horizons whilst I take a break from the 9-5 world. All my blogs are self-hosted and the only downside, as far as I can see, is that if I keep on writing as much as I seem to I’ll need to upgrade our server to accommodate all the posts, comments, images and videos!
My husband is my resident IT helpdesk (thankfully I married a geek!) and after years of managing his own servers he got fed up of running off to the data centre to fix the fan, hard disc or power supply so we’ll soon be moving to a virtual private server. We also need new hosting because the server we’re currently using is really old and slow. He’s been having a look around but is still trying to make his mind up.
I just hope he makes his mind up soon as I want my blogs to load quickly 🙂 It’s really handy having your own personal IT support. I remember ringing the IT team where I used to work and they never answered the phone. They seemed to have very long lunches and take Friday afternoons off completely! My poor husband helps me with my email, my blogs, plugins, widgets, even blog headers! You can tell I’m an IT dunce and already my son is more at ease with the tech in our home than I am.
Thankfully it’s Father’s Day soon so at least I can get the toddler to draw him a picture and we can bake something to say thanks!
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