Disclosure – this is a guest post by the UK’s first Children’s Happiness Coach, Simon Benn. (image credit) I was once called into a school to do some happiness workshops but…
As much as we’re looking forward to the Summer, a part of me is feeling a little sad that my youngest is soon to graduate from Infant School. She’s been busy…
After a great half term we are looking forward to the end of term and our summer holiday adventures. There’s no doubt this will be a long term with 7 weeks…
My favourite part of the day is rushing home from work to pick my children up. I really miss them during the day, and working in a school has made me…
Can you believe we’re already half way through the school year? This scares me a little as the year is going so quickly. It means I have survived a term and…
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash When I went to school back in the 1990s I remember my computer lessons being very limited. The computer room was basically a cupboard which wasn’t even big…
I don’t know about you but I’m both excited and sad about the count down until the Summer holidays. The Summer term is my favourite as there are so many lovely…
With my son starting a new school and going into Year 3 I’ve been tasked with providing a healthy packed lunch for him very day. Free school meals were an amazing…
Our class WhatsApp group has been surprisingly busy during the first two weeks of the school holidays. There has been lots of chatter about school uniform, a subject close to my…