A few weeks ago we took delivery of a fun box of goodies from PlayStation. My family are huge gamers, especially my 8 year old, so we were delighted to receive some of the latest games to try out at home.
Something for the weekend with PlayStation
Our special delivery was based around a box divided into 4 parts: In It Together, Pass & Play, Sofa Standoffs and All Back To Mine. The idea was to equip us with an arsenal of games which could be in a variety of situations: with friends, family and even on your own. Inside the box were some fun PlayStation goodies to enjoy whilst we played!
In It Together – this category was suitable to play with family or friends
This was probably the best category for us as we love to play games together. We hadn’t tried Overcooked! before but the children immediately took to Overcooked! 2. You need some stamina for this game as it’s hectic but fun. You need to serve a variety of recipes to hungry customers in a series of unconventional kitchens. The game can be played on your own or with up to 3 friends
We love LEGO games so are looking forward to trying LEGO DC Supervillains and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.
Pass & Play – perfect for couples
Can I admit that my husband and I have little time to spend gaming together? He is much more likely to play games with his friends or the children. The 8 year old has been enjoying Crash Bandicoot but we can’t wait to try Detroit: Become Human and Life Is Strange soon.
Sofa Standoffs – great for your gamer friends
My husband is waiting for me to go out next week so he can have his friends over to try out the games in this section. Fifa19, WWE19 and Knowledge is Power: Decades all sound like his kind of games and I can’t wait to hear how they get on.
All Back To Mine – perfect for Christmas Day with the family (especially family members who don’t play very often)
We actually found that these games were perfect for us to play as a family. We’re already familiar with Frantics (you can read our review here) which is pretty popular on a Saturday night in our house. Now we have added Chimparty to the mix. These are both PlayLink games which means we can play via our iPhones and iPads. We were also gifted Sonic Mania Plus which my husband says took him right back to his teenage years.
We’ve had lots of fun trying some new games but we’re also looking forward to having lots more fun over the coming weeks.
Check out further suggestions on PlayStations social channels by looking for #somethingfortheweekend
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