Perhaps you once had a home all to yourself, that you filled purely with your belongings and then you moved in with your partner and you had to make space for their stuff too. Eventually you start having kids and suddenly there is one, two or maybe even more individuals you have to make space for in your house.
Sound familiar? You could of course, move to a bigger house. But with the ever-growing property prices alongside the increasingly expensive costs of living, this isn’t always an option.
But, fear not, because there are ways to save space in your forever growing home:
Do not hoard!
In order to save space, avoid hoarding at all costs. Ensure you are going through your belongings regularly and getting rid of what you don’t need. Organise everything in to 3 piles – one that is straight for the bin, one that you will donate to charity and one you can sell.
Take your kid’s toys and clothes to the charity shop, once they have outgrown them and you know you won’t use them again. Alternatively these items could also make you some pennies to put towards things you and the kids really do need, if you list them on auction sites such as eBay or apps such as Shpock.
Organisation is key
The key to saving space is organisation. Firstly give everything a home – that way you (and the kids) know where to put everything and then you always know where it is. Secondly, you need to think of ways that will ensure things are kept organised within the house. A basket downstairs, for example, is perfect for collecting up the kid’s toys and then taking them back upstairs when it is full.
Storage solutions in the home…
Storage solutions within your home will help you to save a lot of space. This could be multi-functional furniture such as ottoman bed that opens up, allowing you to store clothes or clean towels and bedding in a space that would have otherwise been wasted or creating a shelving unit in the unused space under the stairs.
… and out of it
Storage solutions can also be found outside of the home. By using a storage unit from a provider such as Alligator, you can remove a large amount from your home without having to throw it away. This will give you a significant amount of space back and you can collect your belongings as and when you need them.
Saving space may take some reorganisation and perhaps a re-think of the furniture you have in your home. You may need to purchase bunk beds to accommodate two children in one room, for example, or swap your eldest child’s bed for a high sleeper bed that comes with space for a desk, sofa and even shelves. You might also want to consider foldaway furniture – a table, for example, takes up a lot of space, but a fold-away one can be taken out when you need it and put away when you are finished.
Despite the fact your home is forever growing, there are ways to save space! Try some of these tips today and enjoy all the room you create.
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post
April 14, 2016 at 10:44 pmGreat tips, I’d like to think I’m not but I know I am a little bit of a hoarder. I’m always moaning about a lack of space but can’t bring myself to bin things. I’ve been trying to sell loads the last few months though.
Ana De- Jesus
April 15, 2016 at 8:13 amThe issue of space is a big one especially if you have a lot of goods and no storage space to put them. Boxes are a good idea.
Linda Jones
December 29, 2016 at 12:11 pmNot having enough space in a home is one of the most common issues today. But, storage furniture such as shelving, cupboards, cabinets and lockers are the ideal option to store unwanted stuff and save a lot of space in our home.