Monday Happy List

Five Happy Things {Week 517}

Starting the week by writing the Happy List is something I’ve been doing for the last few years. It’s my chance to sit down and reflect on the things that made me happy in the previous week, as well as to record some of the adventures we have as a family.

Five Happy Things {Week 517}

Last week the kids had their first full week back at school and it flew by. All their clubs started up too so it felt like our evenings were as busy as the days. I think they were happy to get back to their lessons and clubs after the summer break.

I binge watched the entire Season 8 of Selling Sunset on Netflix last week. I’m not sure that’s anything to be proud of, but it’s my guilty pleasure, and I enjoyed watching it. Now I need to find another programme to binge on.

I’ve been reading The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose which is a Molly the Maid story. I loved the first book and this is also a great page turner. I wasn’t expecting there to be a follow up to The Maid but I was excited to discover another book in the series. This book takes place a little while after the first book and Molly has been promoted to Head Maid at the Regency Grand Hotel. When a guest is murdered Molly knows she holds the key to the mystery.

Over the weekend we visited The Pop Up Farm to pick sunflowers. I love sunflowers and tried growing them again this year but they didn’t grow very high. I was more than happy to continue our family tradition of visiting The Pop Up Farm and we collected a great bunch of sunflowers. We also spent some time taking photos in all the fun photo props hidden around the sunflower field.

The weather was cold last week so I made a big batch of butternut squash soup to get me through the week. It was so good and I remembered how much I love homemade soup. I’ve planned some more batch cooking this week and it saves me so much time.

What’s made you happy recently?


  • Reply
    Tania M
    September 16, 2024 at 12:43 am

    A very positive outlook. I love this – 5 happy things this week. I might have to implement this in my own life.

  • Reply
    Lavanda Michelle
    September 16, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    Your sunflower picking tradition sounds so sweet, and now I’m inspired to try some batch cooking too.

  • Reply
    Zena's Suitcase
    September 16, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    I love Selling Sunset and will be watching it now you’ve reminded me season 8 is out. I love that show

  • Reply
    Jupiter Hadley
    September 17, 2024 at 9:46 am

    I am really struggling to find things to binge on Netflix, so I am going to check out Selling Sunsets. It’s also been soup season in our house – it’s just the perfect tempature for soup.

  • Reply
    Kira Kira
    September 17, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    I have always wanted to pick sunflowers , they are my favourites !

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