Monday Happy List

Five Happy Things {Week 516}

picture of ally pally

Starting the week by writing the Happy List is something I’ve been doing for the last few years. It’s my chance to sit down and reflect on the things that made me happy in the previous week, as well as to record some of the adventures we have as a family.

Five Happy Things {Week 516}

The kids went back to school which I think they were happy about. It’s good to feel that we are back in a routine although the endless messages in Whatsapp groups has been driving me mad.

I was happy to get back to my weekly yoga class again. We took a break over the summer holidays and it felt so good to stretch again.

Over the weekend I took my son to see An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley at the theatre at Alexandra Palace. It’s a great play and it was fun to watch together. We also came across the Big Fun Art Adventure which is a free sculpture trail of owls around North London.

Liberty Tumbling Blocks cushion

I made some good progress on my Liberty Tumbling Blocks cushion. I’ve decided to make the back of the cushion in plain black as it’s taking me so long to make it. My dog keeps trying to sit on it so I want to finish it.

We had a really delicious lunch at The White Bear in Ruislip with family. I had the amazing roast beef which was so good. I haven’t had a Sunday roast in months and it was worth waiting for.

Let me know what has made you happy recently.


  • Reply
    Jupiter Hadley
    September 9, 2024 at 1:31 pm

    Ohh I do love a good bit of roast beef! Your quilt looks fantastic so far.

  • Reply
    Lavanda Michelle
    September 10, 2024 at 11:04 am

    It’s great to hear that you’re back to your yoga routine and enjoying some fun family outings.

  • Reply
    Kira Kira
    September 12, 2024 at 12:03 pm

    We haven’t had a roast dinner in ages too! Think I will do one this Sunday

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