Monday Happy List

Five Happy Things {Week 508}

Ooni pizza oven

Starting the week by writing the Happy List is something I’ve been doing for the last few years. It’s my chance to sit down and reflect on the things that made me happy in the previous week, as well as to record some of the adventures we have as a family.

Five Happy Things {Week 508}

Last week I made a delicious elderflower and lemon cake, I found the recipe in a previous issue of The Simple Things magazine. We used homemade elderflower syrup as we managed to pick elderflower a few times this season and made the cordial using the recipe I shared a few years ago.

We went and watched Despicable Me 4 at our local cinema. We haven’t been to the cinema in ages but we thought this would be worth watching. My kids loved the other films when they were little. Sadly the 14 year old didn’t want to come with us but the 12 year old enjoyed the film.

dog sitting

We had a house guest! We dog sat for some friends and looked after their dog over the weekend. He was so well behaved compared to our naughty pup. It was definitely a lot of fun having two dogs around the house and it wasn’t as difficult as we thought, not that we’re thinking about getting another dog.

The rest of the family had a day out at Goodwood Festival of Speed where they watched a lot of car racing. They had lovely weather too (which was lucky with all the rain we keep experiencing.

Over the weekend we made homemade pizza in our Ooni pizza oven. Both the kids are really good at making pizza dough and we made red onion and goats cheese pizzas which were really tasty. It’s a fun addition to our garden and we’re managing to use it most weekends (despite the British weather!).

What’s made you happy this week?


  • Reply
    Samantha Donnelly
    July 17, 2024 at 11:57 am

    It sounds like you had a great week, my husband used to love going to Goodwood Festival of Speed but not been for a few years now. I do agree two dogs are easier than one. Although we just have the one now. I really want a pizza oven they do sound amazing

  • Reply
    July 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    Oh, I bet those two had so much fun together! It must have been a blast to dogsit.

  • Reply
    July 17, 2024 at 2:14 pm

    A day at the races is always a good time. I love loud engines and the zoom of cars racing down the track.

  • Reply
    July 18, 2024 at 1:23 am

    I’m glad the dog-sitting went well, they are both so cute! Also, this is making me want a pizza oven!

  • Reply
    Rhian Scammell
    July 18, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    We haven’t used our Ooni pizza oven yet this summer so I need to get it out so we can make some. I really want to see Despicable me 4 but I’m not sure I’ll get to the cinema to see it x

  • Reply
    Rachel MOUTON
    July 18, 2024 at 8:47 pm

    I want to see Despicable Me and what adorable house guests you had!

  • Reply
    Lavanda Michelle
    July 18, 2024 at 9:01 pm

    I will definitely be trying out this elderflower and lemon cake recipe. It seems so delicious. Thanks for sharing!

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    Jupiter Hadley
    July 20, 2024 at 7:03 am

    We took our 14 year old (and 12 year old and 8 year old) to see Despicable Me 4, and surprisingly the 14 year old wanted to see it most, as he had seen a bunch of it on tiktok?! Your pizzas look fantastic.

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