We’ve finally had a few days of beautiful Spring weather which has helped my crafting mojo. It can be difficult to get my latest sewing project out during the winter months,…
What I’m reading
We were recently gifted a copy of 10 Step Drawing: Dogs – Draw over 50 delightful dogs in 10 easy steps by Justine Lecouffe to review. We have reviewed some of…
Although I read a lot of historical fiction, I enjoy history books too. I loved the sound of Shadowlands: A Journey Through Lost Britain by Matthew Green, a book about Britain’s…
You know that I am a big fan of historical fiction so the sound of The Helsingør Sewing Club by Ella Gyland really appealed to me. We went to Denmark on…
Our little pet is now 2 years old. I can’t believe we’ve had him in our lives for so long now but I definitely couldn’t imagine life without him. I was…
Last year I was invited to watch HarperFiction’s 2022 Showcase online to hear more about some of their authors and novels for 2022. It was a brilliant hour where I was…
Today it is my turn to take part in The 12 Days of Christmas blog tour. The book was published earlier this week and to celebrate lots of book reviewers will…
This is a great time of year. Our weekends are full with fun plans and we have Christmas to look forward to (hopefully a normal one this year). I always start…
I know we haven’t enjoyed Halloween but Christmas is already creeping in. I find this time of year goes really quickly so I was delighted to get an early start on…