Family Life

Benefits of part time healthcare work for full-time Mums

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The phrase says it all. “full-time Mum” is a 24/7 role, and one that can leave you wondering exactly where the hours, days and weeks went. The thought of trying to fit a job into the equation is enough to send you into a cold sweat. But we all know there are many who manage to combine parenting and part-time work. And if this is work that will also provide useful knowledge and skills in taking care of the family, surely that’s a win/win.

The benefits of part time healthcare work for full-time Mums

Is there a doctor in the house?
Everyone loves having someone with some medical experience in the home. And whether you are a brain surgeon or a trainee assistant nurse, it would be great if that someone was you. Just imagine how handy it would be if you had the training to at least have a good idea of how to deal with the illnesses and injuries that are part and parcel of everyday life. There are many different nursing careers that you can consider, depending on whether you are
starting from ground zero or already have some experience.

Taking the leap
It can be difficult to take that first step and decide you are going to try to combine working and parenting. But a career like nursing gives you the opportunity to work around school times. And if you have younger kids, explore the different childcare options that are available, and the financial assistance to which you are entitled. You might just be surprised at how do-able it really is.

Photo by Kenny Krosky on Unsplash

A new dimension to family life
Part-time work has other benefits to it, too. In many families, when Mum and Dad are so busy with the same old routine the atmosphere in the house might get a little boring and airless as the weeks, months and years go by. It’s always good to change something in your routine and get something different happening in your life. Of course, the extra money coming in is definitely a significant positive, too! Try to keep it separate, so you can use it to do something extra fun and special with your loved ones.

Many families can feel real benefits from making changes to their lifestyle and changing a routine that can end up bordering on drudgery. The inescapable truth is that much as you love your kids, the life of a full-time mum can sometimes seem like exactly that. The resulting feelings of resentment can be toxic, not just for you, but for the entire family. The important lesson to learn is that when life doesn’t seem much fun, you need to do something
about it, and sooner rather than later.

Part time work, particularly in a career that is truly rewarding like healthcare, delivers so many benefits. And not least, it’s always great to share some new interesting stories at the family dinner table at the end of the day that provide your own vision on the world outside the four walls of the family home.

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post


  • Reply
    October 25, 2018 at 10:14 am

    Healthcare is quite a difficult job, I think you need to be very invested in the reasoning for working in it, even if part time, as workers are often over worked. My sister is a FT rapid trauma team nurse and it’s not an easy job. However, I am supportive of returning to work after having a child. I fully intend to return to my FT job as a clinical trials coordinator when/if we have children.

  • Reply
    October 25, 2018 at 10:33 am

    I’ve thought a lot over the years about retraining, maybe as a speech and language therapist, but the training looks like quite a time and finance commitment. Definitely something to think about though!

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