Today I wanted to share a video with you. I don’t know about you but sometimes I wonder if shops and brands ever think about their customers experience, especially customers with young children. I dread visiting my local bank as my children have a tendency to go crazy. They love to play with the button which opens the door and they swivel on the chairs until they get dizzy and fall off! Luckily for me Barclays have listened, with a little help from some members of Mumsnet.
The video shows some real mums from Mumsnet road-testing a real Barclays branch, and their new family-friendly products, to prove how they really earn the Mumsnetters stamp of approval. If you’re a member of Mumsnet (and I have been for 5 years) you know they have a reputation for giving their opinion on everything from the school run to the day’s headline.
I think it’s important that my children have an understanding of money from an early age. Obviously a lot of our family finances can be managed online but we do need the occasional trip to the Bank and both my children have their own accounts and weekly pocket money which my 4 year old is managing to spend 🙂 I love that Barclays is trying to improve the experience of banking by making all branches family-friendly. They’ve also introduced ‘Digital Eagles’ to help in branches, and financial-inspired Children’s Activity Books specifically to engage and educate children, amongst other things.
This video features – 10 Mumsnetters, 14 kids and 1 Barclays branch.
The sum of which = A totally full-on review of the branch, including ideas for improvement!
Barclays want to hear from all their users, not just Mumsnetters. I would love to hear how family friendly your local Barclays branch is or what you think could be done to improve your branch experience?
This post has been sponsored by Barclays but all thoughts are my own.
Angela Moore
November 14, 2014 at 11:04 pmI bank with Barclays and I’ll confess its been sometime since I need to visit a branch, but the last time I did the staff came to us in the queue to see if they could before we even made it to the counter – Impressive!
atosa nikkhah
November 14, 2014 at 11:17 pmim not a part of mumsnet but this video is fab, and i think its great that you want your children to understand the value of money