Can you believe we’re already on the third week of the school holidays? They are going very quickly this year, probably because we’re juggling working full time with child-care. It’s a bit crazy but we seem to be managing with a mix of ‘chill’ days for the kids and a variety of activity clubs to keep them busy.
Our Back to School essentials
Because I’m now working full-time I need to be a lot more organised. Even before the children had broken up for the summer holidays, I noticed that the shops were full of uniform for the new term! Although this might seem early I’ve learned the hard way that it’s good to be organised and buy early. Yes, your children will grow in all directions during the holidays, but it’s worth stocking up early. Many shops have discounts on certain items, once bought you can forget about it, and you won’t be caught out with a lack of the right sizes if you leave it to the last week of the holidays!
This year Very kindly gifted me our back to school essentials for Little Sis! They were delivered to our door in the most amazing Very pink bus which was so much fun to unbox. The kids loved opening it up, it even had miniature seats!
What do you buy for the new school year? For us we usually need new shirts, trousers and jumpers. A new pair of black school shoes are also essential, as is a strong bag to carry them in.
Very sent us grey trousers with grow-proof hems, tumble-drier friendly white shirts, easy iron green jumpers and scuff resistant black school shoes, along with a durable purple Adidas bag for Little Sis to carry. These back to school uniform basics will keep her looking great all though Year 6 – her last year at Junior school!
Also included in the Very bus were some lovely treats including a fun pencil case, some sweets and cakes decorated as apples! Not as healthy as the real thing but that didn’t stop the children from demolishing them in seconds.
Very stock some great brands such as Kickers, Clarks, The North Face and Adidas. The school uniform essentials we have are of great quality and I’m sure Little Sis will put the clothes through their paces over the coming months.
I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about taking her shopping, especially as we are due another heatwave this week. As well as the school uniform, the children have also had their back to school haircuts, which is just as well as we will be away in the last week of the school holidays. That leaves us plenty of time to enjoy ourselves, relax and have some quality family time.
I’d love to hear how you deal with the back to school essentials? Are you like me and get everything as soon as you see them? Or do you leave it to the last minute and risk having to shop around?
Rhian Westbury
August 10, 2022 at 10:34 amI used to love getting ready for a new school term getting all new stationary and a bag, although things were a lot cheaper then. Looks like a great set from Very x
August 10, 2022 at 4:12 pmIt’s nice to be organised a few weeks in advance