homestyle London

Moving on

We’ve just had one of those weekends where nothing has really happened but we’ve spent a lot of money. I had a tooth out, we got an imprint of Little Sis’s hand and foot prints, a lovely lunch out, the weekly food shop, all pretty mundane really. What we should have been doing is getting ready to put our house on the market.

There’s a whole list of things to be done around the house before we put it on the market, and being a traditional household we’ve split the chores according to our ability. Me – painting, cleaning and de-cluttering. Him – the garden and sheds, his terrible excuse for an office and the kitchen and oven repairs.

We have a lovely little house but it’s in the wrong area and we really want to move before Big Brother starts pre-school next year. But nobody likes moving house, do they? The upheaval, the uncertainty, the tidying! Quite frankly, it’s no wonder we choose to do other things of a weekend.

for sale sign

Besides, all this tidying and sorting make me wonder when we’ll ever actually have time to look for a new place. Oh yes, did I forget to mention we haven’t actually found anywhere we want to move to? So we know we want to move, just not sure where to. The outskirts of London would be nice within reasonable distance of a tube station and access to Waitrose/John Lewis is a must. We had another think yesterday and we decided we are lucky to have too much choice. We’re not dictated by jobs we just want a nice area with good schools – just like the rest of the parent population. Should be easy, don’t you think?!


  • Reply
    April 23, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    I don’t envy you moving with two children. Make sure you get plenty of help!

    • Reply
      April 23, 2012 at 5:32 pm

      Thanks, I think that’s what is putting me off!

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