We love making sun catchers. Our sitting room faces south which means we get a lot of lovely sun light on the window – perfect for handmade sun catchers! After the…
If you are looking for a fun craft for toddlers, look no further. We’ve been busy making festive baubles from sweetie wrappers! I’m sad to say I’ve been saving colourful sweetie…
We’re not big on celebrating Halloween but I can’t resist making some Halloween treats. I received a box of Ghostbusters Stay Puft Quality Marshmallows from my favourite sweetshop Cybercandy and thought…
As a home baker with a *very* sweet tooth I was happy to receive a copy of Marshmallow Madness by Shauna Sever to review. It may be summer but with the…
My piles of vintage board games have inspired me to make Scrabble tile biscuits! The children are too young for Scrabble but I thought we could make something special for Father’s…
baby handmade Knitting and Stitching Show London sewing tutorial
How to make a simple crawling blanket
You may remember last year I attended the Knitting and Stitching Show at Ally Pally where I picked up some lovely fabric to make a crawling blanket for my second child.…
I often blog about painting as the toddler absolutely loves getting messy. He knows where the craft cupboard is and will point and say ‘paint’ over and over again until I…
As we passed the 100 day milestone to the Olympic Games last week my thoughts turned crafty! What could we make? We applied for tickets for three events and we know…
You know how much we love getting messy with the paints so Easter seemed like a great opportunity to break out the paints for some more fun. I saw a great…