My children love to hear the classic story of the gingerbread boy all year round so I thought it might be fun to look for some related activities. Here our 15…
Christmas Christmas gingerbread gingerbread house Kids crafts tutorial
Did you know that September 19th was Talk Like a Pirate Day? My 2 year old is currently obsessed with pirates and loves dressing up so it seemed like a great time…
Always on the look out for some quick and easy crafts to occupy my children, last year we thought we’d try and make wriggly jelly worms, which we’d seen on Pinterest…
Over the school holidays my 4 year old had a friend over for a playdate. He was a very sweet 4 year old but wanted to play with everything we had.…
This year for the first time we had fun crafting around the theme of Day of the Dead. This is a Mexican festival celebrated over three days at the end of…
The changing seasons seem to be really noticeable where we live. On our recent walks we’ve been collecting leaves, conkers, berries and the winged seeds from Sycamore trees. I’ve enjoyed introducing…
I don’t know about you but my fridge is covered with magnets – often holding up the latest letter from school or shopping list. There’s always room for more so I…
A couple of weeks ago I was at the V&A and found a great template for making envelopes. I’ve collected a few vintage annuals and magazines and thought this would be…
I can’t help but start thinking about Autumn. The weather has coolled down, the nights are darker quicker and we seem to have our shoes and jumpers on more than the…