Today I wanted to share a video with you. I don’t know about you but sometimes I wonder if shops and brands ever think about their customers experience, especially customers with…
My son has survived his first term of Big School. He seems to be enjoying it. The other day we were talking about hobbies and he told me his was learning,…
Today is the last day of this half term and I couldn’t be happier. My 4 year old loves Reception and I support him with everything from getting to school on…
You all know that my 4 year old started Reception this September. He has settled in really well and adjusted to his new routine, he no longer flops on the sofa…
competition Lindam Munchkin blogger panel parenting
Win a Lindam Funpack Harness for Child Safety Week
Do you know that it’s Child Safety Week this week? I’ve been working with Lindam – the UK’s number one safety brand – who have been raising awareness of child safety…
Little Sis is almost two and a half and I find myself caught between wanting her to attend nursery for a few more hours a week (!) and not wanting her…
Like most of the UK we have been experiencing our fair share of bad weather lately. The forecast for the weekend was atrocious so instead of staying in with two bored…
We didn’t have a proper holiday last year as all our money went on moving house. So this year my challenge is to be lucky and win a short stay at…
I’ve mentioned the Everyday Effect before, basically the everyday things that us mums do for our family which make all the difference. P&G have made it their mission to make products…