Photo by Hannah Rodrigo on Unsplash
No toddler-parent in the world can confidently say that their house is mess free, especially when it comes to the downstairs living room. Pre-toddler, your room would be the ideal place for you to chill out in, whereas now you can’t sit on the sofa without a small piece of Lego digging into you.
Bringing the Kid’s Playroom to Their Bedroom
Wouldn’t it be great if you could ensure that your children play in their own bedroom, rather than taking over every room in the house?
Here is some advice on how you can make sure that your child loves their bedroom so much, that they will spend their play afternoons in there:
1. Storage
Considering a toddler is so small, they certainly come with a lot of physical baggage – clothes, toys, books, you name it, they’ve got it. While you may think the living room is the only place to store all of this, adding extra storage to the bedroom is pretty easy.
Every bedroom needs a bed frame, so a great idea would be to make use of this and ensure you can get as much storage out of it as possible. A great, child-friendly option for a bed with added storage is a cabin bed, which often comes with an added desk too.
Also, shelves are a fantastic way to show off cool toys and store books, all while adding personality to a bedroom.
2. Desks
How many times has your child gone out of the lines and accidentally drawn on your kitchen table? Well, adding a desk to your child’s bedroom will ensure that your kitchen table, from now on, stays ink-free.
A desk is super practical, your toddler can spend their evenings reading their books there or spend their days colouring in the images inside their new colouring book.
A great example of a fun desk is this new JCB desk from Happy Beds. Adding a cool desk like this will encourage your child to use it more than if it was a plain black or white option.
Image credit: Happy Beds
3. Sections
It is important to add an obvious play section to the bedroom to ensure that the child doesn’t feel like you’ve just snatched their play area from them, when instead, you’re just moving it upstairs.
You can create clear play sections by adding rugs and pillows.This will ensure that there is a definite separation between play-time and sleep-time, helping to keep their toys in one place too.
4. Bright Colours
Children are more than likely going to favour black and white as soon as they start turning into a stroppy teenager, so while they are still young, add as many bright colours as possible.
Children get stimulated by bright colours, and these can be added to the play section using bright rugs and accessories. You can even invest in foamy jigsaw pieces for the floor that can be crawled around and played on.
5. Try Out a Funky Wall Design
It would be nice to add some excitement to the wall of the play section, making it different to the rest of the bedroom.
Some ideas include painted hand prints from family members dotted around the wall, a big world- map, which could also benefit the toddler by being geographically educational, or even just a different wallpaper to the rest of the bedroom.
Hopefully, this blog post has given you some ideas on how you can regain your living room and take the child’s playroom to the bedroom. For more interior advice for children, visit the Happy Beds’ blog.
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post
1 Comment
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
December 12, 2018 at 10:30 pmWe’ve been encouraging the children to play in their rooms more. Not only do they have full access to all their toys but they can make all the noise (and mess) they want.