
Alpaca Meet and Greet {Frankly Alpacas}

Frankly Alpacas

We are all about trying new experiences, so on our recent trip to beautiful Ironbridge earlier this year, we made sure to book a meet and greet with alpacas.

Alpaca Meet and Greet {Frankly Alpacas}

Did you know that alpacas are from South America but can now be found all over the world? Small and relatively easy to look after, we thought it would be fun to book on to a Meet and Greet session and get better acquainted with them. We found Frankly Alpacas just outside Ironbridge and booked a 60 minute alpaca meet and greet session for 2 adults and 2 kids.

alpaca meet and greet

The farm is pretty remote (for us townies!) so we made sure to arrive in plenty of time for our session which included an introduction to the herd of alpacas, before walking out to find them.

There is a herd of 18 alpacas, kept across three fields. We were given small containers of food and could put it in our hands for the alpacas to feed from, although some of the greedier ones just ate from the container!

Frankly Alpacas

They were friendly and inquisitive, especially for the food and the kids thought they were hilarious. The owner introduced us to each animal and told us more about their personality. They had amazing thick coats on which felt really soft.

The paddocks were obviously outside so be prepared for any weather. They were on the top of a hill so we experienced every type of weather during our visit! We loved our alpaca experience and would definitely recommend it if you’re looking for something a little different.

Alpaca Meet & Greet @ Frankly Farm Tours
Pound Lane
TF12 5AU

1 Comment

  • Reply
    August 12, 2024 at 11:51 am

    Awww! They are both so cute. I haven’t seen a live alcapa and would to experience this. Hopefully, we get a chance to visit in the future.

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