days out

A colourful day out

The toddler and his sister are both obsessed with taking photos on my iPhone so when I heard about a fun challenge to help children capture the colours of red, blue, green, yellow and white while on their summer holidays, well I knew they would love to take part. The toddlers’ selfies are famous around here but fortunately they don’t fit into any of the colour categories so instead whilst we were exploring the Great Western Lego Show the toddler got busy with the camera.*

The Great Western Lego Show takes place at Steam so he was kept busy snapping away at engines and all kinds of lego. He took LOTS of photos so there were plenty to choose from. When we got home we sat down and had a good look through them and these are his selection:

reda red mini

bluea blue racing car
greena green field
yellowa yellow carousel
a white Star Wars spaceship
We had a lot of fun. The The Great Western Lego Show is a great place for children as all the displays are on low tables so the perfect height for snapping away!


*Disclaimer – The toddler was sent a camera by the people at Travel Supermarket to take part in the competition. Unfortunately we forgot to take it with us so all photos were taken on my lovely new iPhone 5s.  Full details of the Kids Capture the Colour competition, prizes and terms and conditions can be found here.

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