
Why you should use a gps tracker in your car

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the importance of using a GPS tracker in your car cannot be overstated. A GPS tracker is a powerful tool that uses satellite technology to provide real-time location information, enabling individuals to track and monitor the movements of their vehicles, their goods, even their pets.

GPS tracker from PAJ GPS

For the past few weeks we have been trying the GPS tracker from PAJ GPS Germany. We were kindly gifted a car GPS Tracker along with a 6 month subscription to try out for ourselves. The product was easy to set up and came with a charger so I was able to charge it whilst I downloaded the free app PORTAL Finder from the App Store (also available from Google Play).

GPS tracker from PAJ GPS

The tracker couldn’t be easier to use. We have placed it in the car on several occasions and have been able to track journeys in real time with the app. It gives great peace of mind, especially as you always know where your vehicle is, you can receive alerts via push notifications and email on your phone and get immediate notification via push notification if a designated area is left.

We have used the GPS tracker a lot, both on local journeys and a longer journey over the Bank Holiday weekend. The tracker is small enough to be hidden away in the boot of the car. The app is really handy and can be used to track the tracker on a map. It’s great for seeing where the car is and you can check all kinds of statistics, which my husband really enjoyed. You can purchase from Amazon here.

Here are six reasons why using a GPS tracker in your car is crucial:

Vehicle Security

One of the primary benefits of a GPS tracker is enhanced vehicle security. In case of theft, a GPS tracker can help law enforcement authorities locate and recover your vehicle quickly. The real-time tracking feature allows you to monitor your vehicle’s whereabouts, providing peace of mind and deterring potential thieves.

Emergency Assistance

A GPS tracker can be a lifesaver during emergencies. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation or suffer a breakdown in an unfamiliar location, a GPS tracker can transmit your exact coordinates to emergency services, ensuring prompt assistance. This feature is particularly valuable when traveling long distances or in remote areas.

Fleet Management

For businesses that rely on a fleet of vehicles, GPS trackers offer invaluable fleet management capabilities. They enable managers to optimise routes, monitor driver behaviour, and track vehicle usage. This data helps enhance operational efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and improve customer service by providing accurate delivery estimates.

Parental Control

Parents can use GPS trackers to keep an eye on their teenage drivers, promoting safe driving habits and ensuring their well-being. By monitoring vehicle speed, location, and routes taken, parents can address any concerns and intervene in risky situations promptly.

Insurance Benefits

Some insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders who install GPS trackers in their vehicles. The trackers provide valuable data on driving behaviour, enabling insurers to assess risk accurately. By demonstrating responsible driving habits, individuals can potentially lower their insurance premiums.

Peace of Mind

Whether you’re going on a road trip, lending your car to a friend, or simply commuting to work, a GPS tracker provides peace of mind. Knowing that you can always locate your vehicle, retrieve it if lost or stolen, and receive immediate assistance in emergencies can significantly reduce stress and anxiety.


The importance of using a GPS tracker in your car cannot be ignored. It offers enhanced vehicle security, emergency assistance, fleet management capabilities, parental control, insurance benefits, and peace of mind. With the advancements in GPS technology, incorporating a tracker into your vehicle is a wise decision that provides numerous practical advantages in our modern world. Let me know if you have ever thought of buying a GPS tracker.


  • Reply
    June 4, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    This is such a good idea! I will get one for sure, this is important especially in my city.

  • Reply
    Zena's Suitcase
    June 4, 2023 at 1:40 pm

    We were thinking of buying a GPs tracker, but now you’ve convinced me. There’s so many benefits!

  • Reply
    Kristy Bullard
    June 4, 2023 at 1:50 pm

    I need to do this for myself and definitely get a GPS tracker for my kids when they start driving. I have seen too many news stories of kids running off the road and no one can find them or their vehicle. You can never be too safe!

  • Reply
    Ivan Carlo Jose
    June 5, 2023 at 5:46 am

    Thank you so much for this recommendation. I never realized the importance of using GPS until I read your post. I should invest one for our family car.

  • Reply
    June 5, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    They definitely do make a lot of sense to use! Thanks for sharing this info!

  • Reply
    Monidipa Dutta
    June 5, 2023 at 9:40 pm

    I wanted to express my appreciation for your article on why using a GPS tracker in your car is beneficial. Your insights and explanations were clear and persuasive, highlighting the advantages of enhanced security, real-time tracking, and peace of mind. Your friendly writing style made it an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with your readers!

  • Reply
    June 6, 2023 at 2:51 am

    There are definitely a lot of great reasons to use a GPS. We use a phone tracker for our family, and I can see where a GPS tracker is useful too.

  • Reply
    June 10, 2023 at 1:54 am

    Thanks so much for sharing all these important info of owning a gps tracker is important. Gonna check out more so I can own this gps tracker too. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

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