crafts Recycled crafts tutorial upcycling vintage

Vintage Scrabble tile decorations

Vintage Scrabble tile decorations

I picked up a couple of vintage Scrabble sets at the weekend and thought I would upcycle the tiles and stands into Christmas decorations. They are so simple to make and work out quite cheaply. I’ve signed up for a couple of Christmas swaps so have been making some as gifts too. Today I’m going to share my simple way of upcycling vintage Scrabble tile decorations.

Equipment you will need to make vintage Scrabble tile decorations:
Vintage Scrabble tiles
Vintage Scrabble tile holders (the wooden ones work best)
Glue gun

How to make vintage Scrabble tile decorations:

Lay out your tiles in the order you want and make a small mark on the tile holder in pencil. Cut the tile holder and gently sand any edges.

vintage Scrabble decoration

If you want to hang your vintage Scrabble tile decorations you will need to drill two holes at either end of the tile holder and thread with bakers twine or similar. You may need to use a toothpick to push the bakers twine through. If you want to use them as place settings you can miss out this step.

vintage Scrabble decoration

Heat up your glue gun and apply a small amount of glue to the bottom and sides of each Scrabble tile and gently press them in place along the tile holder. Set aside and leave to dry. Remove any unwanted pieces of glue with a scalpel blade.

Scrabble tile decorations

I think these are great fun for a vintage themed look. I made a mixture of decorations, some to be hung from the tree and a couple for the mantelpiece. Not long til I can put them up now!




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