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  • baking

    Limited edition love?

    Roses are red, violets are blue, give your partner a Love Heart tin that says ‘I love you.’ Swizzels Matlow, the makers of Love Hearts, are launching a new Valentine’s Day…

  • baking gingerbread

    Wright’s Ginger cake mix

    My husband hates the fact that I occasionally buy packet mixes. I think they’re perfect for keeping in the cupboard and whipping out if you need to produce some cake in…

  • baking

    (Messy) cooking with a toddler

    Big Brother takes a real interest in the kitchen and food which I want to encourage. So when I spotted a delicious looking recipe for Chocolate-Beet cupcakes in the latest issue…

  • baking blogging Quinny Caster sewing

    Why I blog?

    Back in the summer I attended a parenting blog camp called Cybermummy where I had my photograph taken with a group of other pregnant bloggers for a ‘bloggers calendar’. To get…

  • baking gingerbread

    Gnome Breadmen

    Today was the second day I managed to juggle two children on my own and to celebrate I thought I would also do some home baking! Big Brother loves gingerbread as…

  • baking gingerbread

    Gingerbread puddles

    I bought some gingerbread puddles from Hotel Chocolat and, although they taste delicious on their own, thought I would use them in baking. This was a good excuse to try out…