
Protecting our children in a digital world

You all know by now that I’m addicted to the internet. Thanks to my techie husband I’ve been an early adopter of most things, including Twitter, Facebook, blogging and all those things that came and went, hello MySpace.

I’m careful what I share on line and it’s really interesting juggling this with my children. They were both born digital thanks to us sharing first pics and their milestones on social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. You can probably see from the photos I’m using to illustrate this post that they’ve always been fascinated by tech too!

My 6 year old is currently dipping his toe into the online world for his Communication badge at Beavers. My husband bought domain names for our children when they were born, so they already have their own email addresses. This week we set up a simple WordPress blog for my son and he has been excitedly adding to it, as well as learning how to send emails to his Beaver group so he can get his badge!

This all seems very strange to me. My husband bought me my first computer when I started properly blogging 12 years ago but my 6 year already has a very basic raspberry pi one! My first email address was something strange and unmemorable, whilst my children had their own email addresses from birth.

My son is really excited about the possibilities of the internet and this is a good thing. But I’m also having to rein him in and teach him about the dangers of sharing online. I don’t use their real names online but being safe online is much more than this.

Take a look at this Kaspersky Safe Kids video where they have interviewed real children about their experiences online. Whereas it’s great to see how savvy they are, it’s also important to ensure that they are protected.

Kaspersky Safe Kids is a downloadable app which helps you protect your children in a digital world, on their iPhones, iPads, Macs and Computers. For just £14.99 for a year’s subscription you can stay connected with your kids and be sure they are in a safe place. For more information about Kaspersky Safe Kids, please visit iTunes

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post


  • Reply
    Michelle Twin Mum
    March 4, 2017 at 4:46 pm

    Funny to head over and find this post. I’ve just today been looking at the Kaspersky Safe Kids app and it looks really good. Mich x

  • Reply
    Fashion and Style Police
    March 4, 2017 at 6:00 pm

    Fab post. I just read a similar post few mins ago. I know what my kids are up to because they are only just 3 years old.

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