free printables

Free puppy colouring sheets {free printable}

Free puppy colouring sheets - the gingerbread house

My daughter loves our puppy. Both the children love having him around and he’s certainly helped to make the lockdown period more fun. They are great at helping to look after him, feed him and train him, although my daughter refuses to pick up any dog poop! They love to draw little cartoons of him so I wanted to share these free puppy colouring sheets with you today. I know that my colouring sheets are always really popular, so I hope you will like these free puppy colouring sheets.

Free puppy colouring sheets

My children love to sit with a colouring sheet, especially if we are sitting and listening to an audio book. Their teachers have recorded some great books for them to study during this period of home learning and we often colour as we listen. It seems to keep their hands busy whilst they listen to the story.

Puppy crafts are so much fun – and a lot quieter than the real thing. We’ve already shared our free cute puppy themed friendship notes and paper puppy puppets. My daughter loves to make these and give them to her friends.

You will need:

colouring pens or pencils

free puppy colouring sheet with dog bone

free puppy colouring sheet with kennel

We have plenty of free puppy colouring sheets to choose from. We have a cute little puppy, based on our very own naughty Bichon Frise, both a boy and girl version. Our little puppy is surrounded by bones and paw prints to colour and there is space to write their name in the bone shape beneath them.

puppy colouring sheet bone

Our second printable has the same sweet little puppy, a boy and girl version, sitting outside their kennel. There are some extra paw prints to colour, and a space on their kennel to write their name.

puppy colouring sheet kennel

We love all the versions, which is why we decided to include them all! Which one do you like best?

Don’t forget to check out our other puppy crafts:

cute puppy themed friendship notes

paper puppy puppets


We hope that you enjoy using our free printables. Please note these printables is for personal use only. Not for redistribution. All images are copyrighted.

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  • Reply
    Rhian westbury
    June 23, 2020 at 10:12 am

    These are so cute colouring sheets. Such a good way to print out sheets as and when you need them for the kids x

  • Reply
    June 23, 2020 at 11:40 am

    These are lovely. I especially like the one with the kennel behind. Perfect for keeping the kids occupied for a while. Hope there may be a kitten-themed one in the pipeline as well!

  • Reply
    Nanna Jae
    June 22, 2021 at 11:09 am

    I agree with Nick about the kitty pictures but atm its Dog walking day soon so they are the little treasures that take preference. Bless them.
    I love the Crafts to share and it’s great to have them ready to print for when the grandkids come over.
    Life is a lot easier with grandchildren than it was when our children were younger. If you were not crafty or didn’t have good recycle ideas then life was hard on wet miserable days.
    Keep up the good work showing us your great ideas.
    Ps didn’t mean to write so much. Sorry

  • Reply
    Crafts to celebrate Crufts -
    March 18, 2023 at 5:12 pm

    […] free puppy colouring sheets […]

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