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  • handmade pregnancy week 38

    Pincushion swap

    I have been working on my pincushion for the swap hosted by Claire. I was inspired by one of my favourite craft books and got to try French knots. It’s all…

  • giveaway pregnancy week 38


    Two days left of my old life before my new life begins. I think it’s finally sinking in and I’m glad I’ve had some time to prepare myself for the procedure…

  • pregnancy week 37

    External Cephalic Version

    Yesterday was spent in the labour ward at the hospital having the external cephalic version or ECV. We arrived at 8.30 and finally left at 3.30 and the procedure only lasted…

  • pregnancy week 37


    Dare I say I’ve felt a bit bored today? I feel like I’m in limbo with no work but no baby either. I had great plans to spend these few weeks…

  • pregnancy week 37

    Week 37

    Eek, week 37 already! This morning consisted of a midwife appointment, a scan and a consultation with the doctor. Fortunately my placenta was fine, it wasn’t low lying at all so…

  • pregnancy swaps week 36

    Pincushion swap

    Claire is hosting a fun swap to make a pincushion  sent with a couple of small haberdashery style items. Make sure you sign up before the 14th March if you’re interested.…