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  • crafts swaps

    Sock Monkey

    I spent the weekend making this cute sock monkey from a pattern in Sock and Glove by Miyako Kanamori. I had loads of fun making him, (it’s definitely a he) and…

  • crafts Dear Baby Jane vintage

    D-3 Jason’s Jacks

    Today I finished D-3 Jason’s Jacks using a lovely bright fabric from Aunty Cookie. We spent Easter on the Isle of Wight where I scoured the local charity shops and picked…

  • crafts swaps

    Tired :(

    This week feels veerrry long, probably as my weekend was so short. I needed a break from the Dear Baby Jane blocks (A7 Dad’s Plaid looks hard!) so I tried my…

  • crafts swaps Tech!

    New toys

    Today I was lucky enough to receive three gifts. The first was a new laptop, a lovely MacBook Pro (to replace my old PowerBook). Then a Nikon D70 (as my boyfriend…

  • crafts sewing

    Finally – WIP!

    Ever since our little boat holiday I have been working towards making my own quilt. I made my first quilt when I was 16, for my first serious boyfriend who was…

  • crafts swaps


    I made the mistake of looking through the flickr pool of the coaster swap I joined and I really wish I hadn’t! My carefully chosen fabrics suddenly seemed uninspired and dull.…

  • crafts

    Valentine love

    Handmade Valentine cards I made but never had time to send: Handmade robin I made and did have time to send: Happy Valentines Day!…