
Just like mummy

Before having a child I hadn’t appreciated just how they learn all the time, their brains are like a sponge. Over the last few weeks Edward has started copying what I do. It’s amazing watching him. He’s obsessed with picking baby wipes out of a packet but will not only pick them out, he’ll also use them to wipe the dining room table, wipe his mouth and wipe round his sippy cup at meal times.

I’ve been trying to turn it into a game to teach him about tidying up and keeping clean. He’s started picking up the dustpan and brush which are permanently out as he’s a messy eater and will sweep up, just like I do after every meal, and put the brush or pan into the bin (I don’t do this!).

These little things make me proud. He’s playing but he’s also showing an interest in what I do. He longs to feed himself at mealtimes and although not technically playing it shows me he’s grasped the connection between the bowl and spoon. Lately he’s been crying and getting so frustrated and refusing food unless I give his his own spoon so he can try to feed himself.

When I bake I have to make sure he has his own bowl and spoon so we can mix at the same time. He loves to put his spoon into the mixing bowl and ‘help’ me. He’s also got a box of spoons and little pots which I get out when I’m in the kitchen preparing meals so he can do the same.

Before I paint too rosy a picture I must admit his imaginative play doesn’t always end well. He takes things out of the bin after he’s seen me put things into it; he drops food deliberately onto the floor when he’s sitting in his high chair; and he takes things out of the kitchen cupboards. But I can see him making connections and this is exciting! I’m trying to encourage him and have bought him his own little dustpan and brush and some play fruit and vegetables so we can prepare mealtimes, tidy and clean together.


This post was written as my contribution to the learning through play log hop sponsored by MEGA Bloks at Tots100. Head over to the Tots100 blog for more details.

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