baking gingerbread Handmade gifts

Gingerbread Christmas Biscuit Baking Kit from BKD

Looking for a gift or stocking filler for your little baker this Christmas? Well look no further as today I am sharing a great little baking kit with you from BKD. BKD are an award winning children’s baking company offering fun, messy baking events across London. Following the success of these events they launched a collection of kids baking kits. They are great time savers for busy parents who want to get creative in the kitchen with their children. There are 8 designs – including a Gingerbread Christmas Biscuit Baking Kit and Gingerbread Man Biscuit Kit – and I was excited to try the Gingerbread Christmas Biscuit Baking Kit from BKD with my own mini Jamie Oliver and Mary Berry.

BKD baking kits

Gingerbread Christmas Biscuit Baking Kit from BKD

The Gingerbread Man Biscuit Kit comes in a cool black and white cardboard tube which contains: three cookie cutters, the gingerbread mix, white icing, four colours of fondant and some sprinkles.

Christmas Gingerbread Biscuit Kit

My son loves to bake so would have been happy to make the dough but I decided to make the dough whilst he was at school. BKD Baking Kits are made with natural flavourings and the dough came together really well and only needed the addition of butter and Golden Syrup. I set it to chill in the fridge and as soon as he got home and changed we removed the dough from the fridge and put the oven on.

He had fun rolling out the dough and choosing which of the cutters to use.

Gingerbread Man Biscuit Kit

Before I knew it he had cut out lots of biscuits using the three cutters provided in the kit and we baked them in the oven according to the instructions.

gingerbread cookies

Then came the fun part – decorating them with the fondants, icing pen and sprinkles.

Gingerbread Man Biscuit Kit

By this time Little Sis insisted on getting involved too. I opened up all the packets of fondant and we had fun mixing the colours and using our cookie cutters to cut out the shapes we needed.

Gingerbread Man Biscuit Kit

We gently pressed the fondant onto the biscuits then decorated them with the sprinkles. The instruction booklet contained some great tips and I loved watching the children use their imaginations to create some wonderful biscuits. We all thought our gingerbread biscuits looked pretty professional.

Gingerbread Man Biscuit Kit

They tasted delicious and have a great balance of spices. The children have been offering them to all our visitors who have been very impressed with their baking and decorating skills.

The baking kits (tubes) have a RRP of £19.99 and the mini baking kits (boxes) have a RRP of £9.99 which is a great price for a Christmas gift or stocking filler. BKD have kindly offered my readers a 10% discount on any orders on the BKD website by using the code GINGERBREAD10. This code is valid for 7 days from today.



  • Reply
    aunty caca
    November 18, 2015 at 9:48 pm

    I love little sis’s Peter pan collar! Xx

    • Reply
      November 18, 2015 at 9:50 pm

      Cute isn’t it! An H&M bargain 🙂

  • Reply
    Sarah Darragh
    November 19, 2015 at 7:25 am

    These sets look great, I love the style of their packaging too. x

  • Reply
    Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy
    November 19, 2015 at 10:58 am

    I am so excited to make our gingerbread house this year. The one we made last year totally failed, so fingers crossed for this year.

  • Reply
    November 19, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    This kit looks fab! It would make a really lovely christmas gift as well!

  • Reply
    November 19, 2015 at 4:11 pm

    Cute set. This should keep everyone very busy.

  • Reply
    Tori Gabriel
    November 19, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Wow! They came out brilliantly! Whenever I try things like this even the cat won’t eat them! I bet they vanished quuckly.

    • Reply
      November 19, 2015 at 11:29 pm

      Yep, have to admit I ate the last one tonight 🙂

  • Reply
    Ana De- Jesus
    November 19, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    Have you noticed how the toppings look like playdough? I love gingerbread men and this kit looks fab.

    • Reply
      November 19, 2015 at 11:29 pm

      I had to keep telling my son not to play with it as that’s exactly what he was doing!

  • Reply
    Ickle Pickle
    November 19, 2015 at 9:48 pm

    I love this – it would be great in our Christmas Eve box! Kaz x

    • Reply
      November 19, 2015 at 11:28 pm

      I know, I think they would make a great gift and no need to wrap as the packaging is beautiful!

    • Reply
      November 19, 2015 at 11:28 pm

      That’s such a fab idea!

  • Reply
    November 19, 2015 at 11:01 pm

    I feel really Christmassy after seeing all this festive baking, love these kits and now want to make gingerbread:-)

    • Reply
      November 19, 2015 at 11:27 pm

      It’s my favourite festive food!

  • Reply
    November 21, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    Ive never tried to make gingerbread before and now I feel as though I should, this kit is so cute x

  • Reply
    A gingerbread gift guide -
    April 16, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    […] you’re looking for a great stocking filler then take a look at our review of the Gingerbread Christmas Biscuit Baking Kit from BKD. The kit contained nearly everything needed to make and decorate the most amazing Christmas […]

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