baby NCT

Growth spurts

Edward slept through the night on Sunday from midnight to six am 🙂

After a bit of googling I discovered that our hungry/sleepy baby may be experiencing another growth spurt.  Growth spurts occur at ten days, six weeks, three months, six months and nine months. I learned that cluster feeding, where the baby is feeding more often, is the first sign of this.  Just when I think we are settling into a routine Edward won’t go to bed easily or will be really hungry more often than normal. I’m glad to know there is some kind of reason for it all.

Today we attended the first session of the Early Day NCT course. I braved the torrential rain and am so glad I did. We discussed all kinds of topics and I hadn’t realised how much I miss having other adults to talk to. Most of my friends are work friends or work so it’s difficult to see them. I’m really happy spending my days with Edward but it was so nice to go somewhere new and meet new mums. Thank goodness for the NCT!

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