
The importance of clothes

My 11 month old has white blond hair, a pair of sparkling blue eyes and a wicked smile. It seems like everyday she gets mistaken for a boy and it’s all my fault. You see, I’m thrifty and dress her in her brothers’ cast-offs. Most of which are blue.

If you saw a child in blue you’d probably assume it was a boy, wouldn’t you? It’s not a choice based on gender decisions, or trying to confuse old ladies. But one based on economic necessity and plain old thriftyness. I can’t bear to give away clothes which bring back happy memories of when her brother wore them and they have so much wear still in them.

An idea came to me the other night when I was lying in bed and I’m not sure why I didn’t think of it sooner. The next morning I logged on to eBay and bought her a pink hairband.

pink hairband

Unfortunately she didn’t seem to like wearing it too much. I figured the next best thing would be a girly, snugly, onesie in pink and purple. Luckily she seems to love it. I don’t think you can get a louder statement than a girly girl in a brightly coloured onesie.

polarfleece all in one

Unfortunately it hasn’t stopped the old ladies on the bus thinking she’s a boy!

I officially give up!


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    Red Rose Mummy
    October 30, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    All the old ladies thought Bud was a girl because he had a lot of hair. He could be dressed from head to toe in blue and they still said it. We’ve been dressing LM in his cast offs but mainly for bed, I’ve been hitting the charity shops for her day wear.

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    olivia kirby
    October 30, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    I love her all in one it’s sooo cute!! I echo above, I dressed my eldest in head to toe blue but because he had fairly long hair people always called him a girl! I was incredulous, why would I, dressed in pink and my hair in bunches (this was 10 yrs ago!) dress a little girl fully in bluE?!!

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    Growing up |
    November 30, 2012 at 9:05 pm

    […] understand what she means. Her wardrobe has also improved. Remember I said I bought her a bright onesie because I was fed up of people assuming she was a boy? More outfits quickly followed including my […]

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