baby The Gallery

The Gallery: A Memory

Instead of posting a picture I’m going to re-direct you to my other blog.

Just before Edward was due my husband thought it would be fun to give the baby his or her own blog , where we could post photos and let our relatives know what we were up to. Although I thought this was a great idea I didn’t want the responsibility of keeping it up to date whilst juggling a new baby!

Fast forward two weeks after Edward came along and my husband had posted some pics on the baby blog when he was taken ill. He was admitted to hospital and had a really serious operation and we didn’t know when life would get back to normal. I suddenly remembered the baby blog and thought it was a great way to let my husband know what Edward and I were up to without him. The hospital suggested we shouldn’t bring the baby in during visiting hours and you can imagine how tough this was on my husband who had only spent 2 weeks with his new son!

Anyway, my husband got better but I have carried on updating the baby blog. I know both our families read it and I love having the chance to record all Edward’s ‘firsts’. I hope we’ll keep it up and be able to record more memories for Edward until he can one day write it himself!

This post was written for Week 23 of The Gallery: A Memory

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