fun The Gallery

The Gallery: Friendship

It didn’t take me long to choose a photograph for the theme of this weeks’ gallery. Today I scanned an old photograph album my mum gave me of my early years. I was getting a bit fed up of people saying how much Edward looks like his father so decided to look at some old photos to see if they were right. Anyway, I came across the picture of me and my sister sharing a bath in the 1970s (writing that makes me feel very old!) and I knew it summed up the theme perfectly.

I don’t make friends easily. I blame having an older sister who always broke the rules! I’m quite shy and introverted, especially in groups of people. My sister is the opposite, she has lots of friends and is outgoing and a bit of an extrovert. She is my best friend and I love catching up with her even though we live miles apart. When I came across this picture I had to scan it and send it to her straight away. She laughed how she was protecting my modesty. I laughed at her awful shower cap. She shamelessly posted it on facebook.

This post is for week 13 of The Gallery: Friendship.


  • Reply
    May 26, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    Brilliant picture. It’s so wonderful when siblings are best friends.

  • Reply
    May 28, 2010 at 5:52 pm

    Aww, how sweet 😀

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