baby pregnancy

Bath fail

It was so cold today that I just couldn’t face coming home from work to a nice warm house, grabbing my swimming gear and heading off out to the swimming pool. Now I love my ante-natal swimming class. Over the last few weeks it’s the only time I feel comfortable. The swimming instructor is lovely and I get to meet lots of other pregnant women. Details here.

I spent all day promising myself that if I didn’t go swimming I would have a bath. We’re been in our house for 3 years and I’ve never tried out the bath. We have a separate shower room so I am clean!

So after dinner I ran a bath, poured in some of my favourite Mama Mio product, carefully placed a book, drink, phone and towel nearby and lowered myself in. Now for some reason I assumed a bath would be as relaxing as the baby pool. (I love the swimming pool so much it made me want to explore using a birthing pool during labour.)

So I was slightly perturbed when I found out the bath water a) didn’t cover me and the bump and b) it was cold! What should have been a relaxing experience was actually awful. I could even feel the baby squirming – if this is possible?!

To top it all our kittens couldn’t understand what their mum was doing sitting in the bath. One of them perched carefully on the side staring at the murky water, inching closer and closer. You can guess what happened next….

Yes, the kitty fell in, landed on my leg, put his claws in and got a thorough soaking. I don’t know who was more grumpy but that was the end of the bath for us both.



  • Reply
    Catherine Lloyd-Evans
    February 28, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Back to the antenatal swimming class next week then, yes?!!

  • Reply
    Laura (cakeandteablog)
    April 24, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    Poor confused kitties! And poor you- ouch!!! Very funny indeed! 😀

    Over from blog gems- lovely to meet you!

  • Reply
    April 24, 2011 at 11:32 pm

    (here from BlogGems) Poor you and Kitty (and Bump)…I thought maybe you were going to say you got stuck, I remember having to be hauled out of bath !! Best get back to the sanctity of the pool xxx

  • Reply
    One Rich Mother
    April 27, 2011 at 11:44 am

    lol : )
    I have always wanted to try birthing in water, but we just had our last so I guess I will have to live vicariously through others like you. : )
    Hope it goes better than the bath did though. O_o
    Over from blog gems

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    Autism Mom Rising
    April 27, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    What is that old saying: curiosity made the kitten fall into the bath tub. Ouch, your poor leg! (Blog Gems)

  • Reply
    April 28, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    Baths are supposed to be relaxing! We had one house where the water never was hot enough for a bath, and at the house we live in now the water never gets high enough either, or maybe I’ve just gained too much weight???

    Thanks for participating in Blog Gems!

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